• New research suggests you may not need t

    From Runners World@24:150/1 to All on Tue Nov 24 21:31:20 2020
    New research suggests you may not need to invest in all that ice.
    By Elizabeth Millard
    Nov 24, 2020

    chelsea training session
    Darren WalshGetty Images
    * According to new research in the journal Sports Medicine,
    there’s no advantage to cold-water immersion (i.e. ice baths) with
    aerobic exercise training, and it may have a detrimental effect on
    resistance training adaptations, too.
    * This is because ice water can delay muscle repair significantly,
    because it inhibits muscle cell activity.
    * Alternate methods—such as wearing a compression garment, doing
    active recovery, and focusing on quality sleep—are better for
    boosting recovery.

    Seeing an athlete in a bathtub full of ice water—complete with chunks
    of ice floating on the surface—is fairly common in movies and
    professional sports coverage, as a way to show how athletes lower
    inflammation quickly to boost recovery. But do ice baths really
    have legit benefits? According to recent research, the technique may be
    more cinematic than effective.

    A meta-analysis published in the journal Sports Medicine looked at
    eight studies that had five common factors: controlled conditions,
    performed on humans, associated with a training program, immersion
    performed at 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit) or below, and
    measurements taken both before and after immersion.

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    Researchers found that a dip into super cold water wasn’t an advantage
    with aerobic exercise training, as it had little effect on performance,
    such as faster speed or more power.

    They also noted it could have a detrimental effect on resistance
    training adaptations. For instance, those who used cold-water immersion
    saw a decrease in performance such as one-rep max amounts, strength
    endurance, maximal isometric strength, and ballistic performance. That
    means the amount you’re able to lift, how long you can hold a weight in
    one position, and how well you can jump were all negatively affected by
    an icy bath.
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    In terms of why it’s a knock to strength training and has no effect on
    aerobic activity, the main reason is related to modifications in
    muscle repair and protein synthesis processes, according to the study’s
    lead author, Alessandro Zagatto, Ph.D., associate professor in the
    department of physical education at Sao Paulo State University in
    Brazil. For example, he noted, past research has reported that
    cold-water immersion can delay muscle repair significantly because it
    inhibits muscle cell activity.
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    If that’s the case, why do athletes seem to use it so often? Because it
    does have a place in certain conditions, he added.

    “In my opinion, athletes must avoid its use regularly,” he told
    Bicycling. “However, it does have an important analgesic [pain
    relieving] effect, so if you have competitions with several games or
    events in a shorter time interval, where performance would be altered
    by muscles soreness, it could be helpful.”

    So, if you’re using it as a way to get better results on your next run,
    you may want to try an alternative recovery method, he said, such as
    wearing a compression garment, doing active recovery, and focusing on
    quality sleep. But if you are going on back-to-back runs, some
    crushed ice may help relieve sore muscles.

    From: Bicycling US
    Elizabeth Millard Elizabeth Millard is a freelance writer focusing
    on health, wellness, fitness, and food.
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