• The board of directors hires an outside

    From Runners World@24:150/1 to All on Fri Oct 30 21:31:24 2020
    The board of directors hires an outside law firm to look into staff
    By Sarah Lorge Butler
    Oct 30, 2020

    2019 nyc marathon
    Jon SimonGetty Images

    New York Road Runners (NYRR), the nonprofit organization behind the
    New York City Marathon—the world’s largest 26.2-mile race—and
    dozens of other road races each year, is facing allegations of racism
    and sexism from former and current employees.

    On September 14, NYRR’s board of directors announced in an email to
    staff that it had retained an outside law firm, Proskauer Rose, to
    interview employees and examine the organization’s policies and
    practices. The board subsequently expanded the scope of Proskauer’s
    interviews to include former staff who had left NYRR within the past
    four years.

    The law firm’s involvement is the latest development for the
    organization’s leadership team and staff, who have faced a summer and
    fall of anguished discussions over race and equality.

    The conflict spilled into public view on September 1 when a group
    calling itself RebuildNYRR started a petition calling for the
    removal of the CEO and president, Michael Capiraso, and an Instagram
    account cataloguing employee grievances. But employees say the
    reckoning over race and gender issues has been an open topic of
    discussion on company Zoom meetings since June 1—and quieter
    complaints, to human resources and in small group discussions, date
    back years.

    Runner’s World spoke to 17 current, furloughed, and former staffers,
    who shared their concerns about discrimination at NYRR as well as
    emails, presentations, and recordings of meetings backing up their

    Among the most serious allegations:
    * NYRR has a culture of favoritism that typically benefits white men,
    who are promoted faster—and are therefore better compensated—than
    people of color and women.
    * Human resources does not adequately handle complaints.
    * A position for a director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
    has remained open for 19 months, making employees question whether
    it’s a priority for NYRR leadership. Over the summer, the position
    was upgraded to vice president; a listing on the NYRR website
    dating August 13 reflects that title.
    * The board of directors—charged with overseeing Capiraso—had
    little interaction with staff members about equity issues and did
    not understand the scope of staff complaints until early September.

    Many of the complaints were summarized in a four-page presentation that
    one department, Strategic Partnerships and Runner Products, created for
    Capiraso in June. In one bullet point, those staff members wrote they
    “don’t feel uniformly valued based on their race and gender.” In
    another, they wrote, “Staff do not believe HR is able to address sexism
    and racism at NYRR.”

    In response to questions from Runner’s World, NYRR provided a written
    statement from Capiraso, which read, in part:

    “The NYRR leadership team and I are committed to ensuring every one of
    our employees feels respected, included, and understood. With the
    assistance of an independent diversity, equity, and inclusion
    consultant, we’ve listened to our employees, evaluated our workplace
    culture, and identified areas where we can change for the better.
    Working groups made up of staff at all levels are currently addressing
    priority areas including modifying our existing human resources
    processes, instituting a comprehensive DEI leadership training program,
    developing a new decision-making process for staff and leadership, and
    redefining the organization’s vision and values.” (The full text of the
    statement is at the bottom of this article.)

    Pay and promotion gaps

    In the interviews with Runner’s World, NYRR employees described a
    culture where it was difficult for people of color to earn promotions,
    while their white counterparts rose up the ranks.

    All but three asked not to be named. The current employees said they
    feared retribution in the workplace, and some of the former staffers,
    who were laid off in July when NYRR announced coronavirus-related
    staff cuts and furloughs, said they signed separation agreements that
    prevented them from speaking publicly. Those currently furloughed said
    they worried that going public would jeopardize their future job
    prospects—and any chance they might have at severance payments should
    NYRR not bring them back.

    Most told Runner’s World they had already shared their experiences in
    interviews with Proskauer.

    A white male manager of several employees of color said he struggled to
    get them recognized for the strong work they were doing. “I had a much
    harder time getting raises, bonuses, and promotions for staff of color
    than others, and at first I wasn’t quite sure why that was,” he said.
    “But it became a pattern and practice that was hard to overcome. Once
    there was a preconceived notion about a staffer, it was also very hard
    to change and reverse, no matter how hard you fought for them.”

    Two Black men said they felt they had hit a ceiling. Their twice-yearly
    performance reviews—around the end of the fiscal year in March and
    after the NYC Marathon in early November—would be “glowing,” but
    anything more than cost-of-living raises rarely followed.

    “When I ask about promotions, it’s usually the same answers: They’re
    working on it; they value my work,” one said. “I told
    straight up: There’s no growth potential. To see people who haven’t
    worked there as long as me, who haven’t put in the work that I have,
    it’s unfair.”

    Another said his reviews were “full of praise,” but “they always take a
    poor turn when I ask for a salary increase or a promotion. That’s when
    my VP just comes at me I’m a poor communicator. I’m

    Four white men confirmed in separate interviews that they felt they had
    gained advantages from inequities at NYRR.

    “Yeah, as a white male, I’ve 100 percent benefitted from the system
    that’s in place,” said one director-level employee, who said he has
    risen faster in the organization than a Black colleague who started the
    week after he did in the same department.

    Another white male staffer described a similar situation, receiving a
    promotion and a “decent-sized” raise one year after he joined the
    company. He subsequently heard from employees of color and women who
    had asked for raises and promotions for years, to no avail.

    Justin Wilson, a senior product manager in the IT department, was
    furloughed in September and subsequently left NYRR for a new job.

    “In the five years I was there, I was promoted twice—I got a new title
    and a pay raise that went with it without even asking,” said Wilson,
    who is white. “It was weird. I found out when it had already gone
    through that my title was changing.”

    In the course of conversations with women in his department, Wilson
    said he came to realize that his coworkers had been asking for raises
    and promotions and were being denied. A female coworker asked him
    outright how much he was making, and they discovered that after his
    promotions, he was earning $33,000 more than she was. “I was promoted
    twice before she was promoted once,” he said.

    In the interviews Runner’s World conducted, only one former employee,
    who left on her own, said she didn’t experience any problems with the
    culture. “I never saw any issues from a female standpoint or a
    diversity standpoint,” she said.

    NYRR declined to furnish to Runner’s World demographic information
    about employees at the director level and above.

    The 2019 Form 990, a tax filing that by law nonprofits must make
    public, provides a limited snapshot of the company’s leadership from
    2018–19: Of the 10 highest-paid employees, six were men and four were
    women. Only one was a person of color, and he recently left the

    In addition to the complaints of discrimination based on pay and
    promotions, employees of color said they endured other behaviors that
    they felt were racially motivated: meetings where ideas from Black and
    Latino employees were quickly shot down, for instance. One Black
    staffer told Runner’s World that after three years at the company, a
    senior leader still couldn’t pronounce his name correctly.

    “This is the hard part about naming culture in an organization,”
    another current employee said. “It’s a lot of small moments that create
    the way it looks and the way it operates.”

    Employees said Capiraso sets the tone. He has been NYRR’s president and
    CEO since 2015, although he shared leadership of the organization with
    Peter Ciaccia, president of events, until Ciaccia’s retirement in
    2018. Employees allege Capiraso is slow to make hires and is involved
    in even the smallest decisions at the company.
    tiki barber visits "mornings with maria"
    President and CEO of New York Road Runners, Michael Capiraso, visits
    Mornings With Maria at Fox News Channel Studios before the 2019 New
    York City Marathon.
    Steven FerdmanGetty Images

    When staff went to human resources to complain about pay, promotions,
    or personal interactions that felt racist or sexist, they said they
    rarely heard anything back.

    The process of filing a complaint is “a black hole,” said Rahsaan
    Chisolm, a furloughed manager, who explicitly said he was not speaking
    on behalf of the company but from his own experience. “Especially if
    you are a non-senior staffer who has a grievance against a senior staff
    member. Your complaints will disappear unless you are committed to
    vigilant follow-up.”

    A spokesperson for NYRR said human resources promptly and thoroughly
    investigates all complaints of discrimination, harassment, or

    A social media post misses the mark

    Although the complaints voiced in interviews to Runner’s World date
    back, in some cases, several years, employees said the problems weren’t
    always obvious to those outside the company. That changed on May 31.
    The organization faced an outcry over an Instagram post referencing the
    police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

    The post drew critical reactions in the comments and was removed a few
    hours after it was published on Instagram. It included the phrase
    “equal rights for all” and the hashtag “justice for all.” Many inside
    the organization saw it as a nod to the “All Lives Matter” movement,
    which runs directly counter to the Black Lives Matter movement.

    Capiraso emailed staff an apology the next day. “A post to our
    Instagram page yesterday was intended to show our solidarity and
    compassion,” the email read, in part. “We did not get it right. I am
    deeply sorry, and I take responsibility for that.” An apology post
    also went up on Instagram on June 1.

    For many in the organization, Capiraso’s email did not go far enough in
    explaining how the post came to be written. Accounts about it from
    staffers vary, but they all agree that Capiraso was among those
    involved. Some described the incident as the latest example of a
    workplace culture that they feel minimizes people of color and women.
    For employees who say they have struggled at times at NYRR, the post
    was a breaking point.

    In the days after the George Floyd post, the leadership team retained
    Tai Dixon, an attorney with expertise in workplace culture and
    diversity and inclusion, to facilitate a June 11 “open forum” meeting
    about race and racism.

    “The meetings, the interviews with the DEI consultant—it takes
    emotional energy and is a strain on time and money.”

    Over the following weeks, staff said they were required to participate
    in one of 23 focus groups, led by Dixon. Those focus groups were
    intended to give staff “an opportunity to share feedback and discuss
    what meaningful changes in behaviors, management, organizational
    practices, and workgroups are needed to ensure a diverse, equitable,
    and inclusive workplace,” according to an email obtained by Runner’s
    World, explaining the mandatory meetings.

    The various meetings—all on Zoom, as the staff continues to work
    remotely during the pandemic—have consumed collectively hundreds of
    hours of their time, employees said.

    “They created this toxic, discriminatory environment and put the burden
    on us to fix it for them,” said one current female staff member. “The
    meetings, the interviews with the DEI consultant—it takes emotional
    energy and is a strain on time and money.”

    A summer of change

    On July 21, NYRR announced that it was letting go of 26 of its 229
    full-time employees and furloughing another 65 for six months, cutbacks
    it said were necessitated by pandemic-related losses. Additional
    part-time staff were furloughed, and several full-time employees who
    were furloughed said they don’t believe they will be brought back.

    According to tax filings, the organization in 2019 had revenues of $113
    million, which makes it by far the largest organization of its kind in
    the U.S. With the cancellation of its signature events—including the
    NYC Marathon—due to the coronavirus, it has lost millions in
    registration fees in 2020.

    The financial health of the organization depends largely on when
    runners can return to events safely in significant numbers. The news
    isn’t all dire, however. NYRR is currently in the process of
    negotiating insurance claims for the cancellation of the marathon, the
    NYC Half, and a few other large events.

    Before the pandemic, the organization had seen significant revenue
    growth. From 2017 to 2019, the company’s revenue was up almost 30
    percent, according to tax filings. In 2019, it reported net assets of
    $49.7 million. NYRR also received a Paycheck Protection Program loan of
    between $2 million and $5 million.

    A public petition

    On September 1, RebuildNYRR, which on Instagram calls itself an
    “anonymous group of former and current employees,” unveiled a petition
    calling for the board to fire Capiraso because he “fosters toxic,
    discriminatory, and systemically racist work culture at NYRR.”
    Simultaneously, complaints about the culture inside NYRR began
    surfacing on a RebuildNYRR Instagram account, which currently has more
    than 2,000 followers.

    Most staff members that Runner’s World spoke to said they were not
    aware of the RebuildNYRR effort before it launched. But they said they
    were relieved that it existed, because it publicized their struggles
    after a summer in which employees felt reforms were slow in coming.

    The first communication from the board of directors to the staff about
    DEI issues occurred a few days after the RebuildNYRR campaign was made
    public. George Hirsch, the chairman of NYRR’s board of directors,
    sent an email to all employees on September 4. (Hirsch was the
    publisher of Runner’s World from 1987 to 2004.)

    “We know we have work to do to ensure the organization continually
    lives up to its ideals,” he wrote in part. “We have heard and
    appreciate the calls to do better, not just on DEI matters, but across
    all areas of organizational leadership and culture.”

    On September 10, the staff was invited to another town hall-style
    meeting with Dixon and several members of the board of directors to
    share Dixon’s findings and discuss next steps. According to employees
    in attendance, the meeting was “really uncomfortable.”

    Those same employees said Dixon’s presentation to the staff,
    summarizing the results of 23 focus groups with employees and several
    one-on-one meetings, was vague.

    “She shared some overarching talking points,” one staffer said. “She
    just restated the obvious. It feels insulting to be told what we
    already knew.”

    In the same meeting, employees heard from NYRR board members Nnenna
    Lynch and Cidra Sebastien.

    In a recording of the meeting shared with Runner’s World, Lynch can be
    heard saying, “I think one of the things we’re hoping to do with this
    process—it’s not just look at specific allegations but really look at
    the infrastructure, if you will, that allowed some of these issues to
    proliferate. So the policies, practices, and procedures and taking a
    very clear-eyed look at where we got off course and where we need to
    tweak or revamp or start from scratch.”

    A few moments later she conceded that the board was not aware of the
    extent of staff complaints and low morale until September.

    “Certainly we saw a lot of intense emotion after George Floyd’s murder
    and Black Lives Matter, and we engaged Tai,” she said in that meeting.
    “But it was really just a week ago that we started to get a really full
    sense of the concerns and the issues.”

    Sebastien echoed Lynch’s words and acknowledged that being asked to
    share grievances, while feeling like things aren’t moving, can be

    The 26 directors on the board created a task force to evaluate and
    address the concerns that employees have raised. It’s composed of 10
    directors, with Lynch, who is Black and a former elite runner, at the

    In a statement to Runner’s World, Hirsch wrote, “The NYRR Board of
    Directors is deeply engaged with the work of making NYRR a more
    equitable and inclusive organization, and we recognize that more needs
    to be done—that’s why we’ve created a Board task force dedicated to
    these issues, why we’ve worked closely with Tai Dixon to understand her
    findings, and why we continue to be in constant dialogue with members
    of the leadership team and staff at every level.”

    Moving forward

    new york, ny november 03 runners start the tcs new york city marathon
    on the verrazzano bridge on november 3, 2019 in new york city photo by
    drew levinnew york road runners via getty images
    Runners start the New York City Marathon on the Verrazzano Bridge on
    November 3, 2019.
    Drew LevinGetty Images

    On September 18, Capiraso and the Senior Leadership Team issued another
    apology email.

    “We’d like to start by saying we are sorry. If those words haven’t come
    through clearly enough, these words are directed to you,” the email
    read. “Trust is broken, you expect more, and you want change.”

    But to those outside the organization, NYRR’s public silence on the
    topic of RebuildNYRR has been mystifying.

    “I can’t believe I have to say this, but NYRR must acknowledge
    RebuildNYRR and thank them for their bravery and immediately begin
    conversations in a manner that RebuildNYRR would feel comfortable
    with,” Alison Désir, a New York-based activist in the running
    community, wrote in an email to Runner’s World.

    “This is an amazing opportunity for NYRR to be at the forefront of a
    new running industry. I cannot believe they might squander the

    “Humanity has been lost, it seems. Many wrongs have been committed, and
    yet RebuildNYRR doesn’t want to tear down the organization—they want to
    rebuild it with social justice at its center. This is an amazing
    opportunity for NYRR to be at the forefront of a new running industry.
    I cannot believe they might squander the opportunity.”

    And tension persists between senior leaders and the staff. On October
    8, during another meeting, employees pressed for answers on why they
    weren’t given a more complete report on Dixon’s findings from focus
    groups and one-on-one interviews with staff.

    “I was on a call with 15 other NYRR staff and Tai to talk about the
    work culture and infrastructure at NYRR,” said Anna Anderson, a current
    manager in IT, who, like Chisolm, said she was speaking about her own
    experiences. “On the call, we expressed our frustration and deep hurt,
    and it felt like an honest and open conversation. I have heard from
    other staff that their calls with Tai were similar. We all expected
    that the results would be shared internally, in the spirit of
    transparency and willingness to change. That hasn’t happened. We still
    have no proof that NYRR plans to change in any meaningful way, despite
    many conversations.”

    Employees are hopeful that Proskauer’s interviews will force the board
    to consider changes to the organization’s leadership to include more
    diversity, and greater transparency in hiring, promotions, and
    salaries. But they’re realistic, too. The complaints on the RebuildNYRR
    Instagram and ones that they’ve reported to HR, they say, predate the

    Staffers find themselves in different camps. One employee described
    coworkers as “hopeful and optimistic,” and another felt that board
    members Lynch, Sebastien, and others on the task force were “working in
    good faith and trying to understand what is going on.” Some employees,
    however, feared the hiring of Proskauer was window dressing.

    Most are somewhere in the middle, one Black manager told Runner’s
    World. “You’re just exhausted. You hope for the best,” he said, “but
    this has dragged out longer than it should have.”

    Observers are rooting for a peaceful resolution, while realizing the
    potential damage to NYRR’s reputation. Will runners vote with their
    feet and skip participating in events, whenever they return? Will
    sponsors lose interest?

    “People who work there feel very harmed by this. They’re in a lot of
    pain about it,” another former staff member said. “I want to see
    get through this. It’s going to have a hard time getting through this
    by waiting it out and letting it pass. And I don’t want to see the good
    work of the organization go away at the expense of all of this.”

    Wilson, the former IT manager, concurs and hopes his colleagues are
    treated fairly, whatever the outcome of Proskauer’s interviews and
    RebuildNYRR’s campaign.

    “The people on the ground are some of the smartest, most hardworking,
    most creative people out there,” he said. “Truly outstanding, the
    absolute best at what they do.”

    Full NYRR statement
    We believe running has the power to bring diverse groups of people
    together, and we work every day to make our entire community feel
    safe, valued, inspired, and heard—whether it’s at work, on a run, or
    anywhere else. The NYRR leadership team and I are committed to
    ensuring every one of our employees feels respected, included, and
    understood. With the assistance of an independent diversity, equity,
    and inclusion consultant, we’ve listened to our employees, evaluated
    our workplace culture, and identified areas where we can change for
    the better. Working groups made up of staff at all levels are
    currently addressing priority areas including modifying our existing
    human resources processes, instituting a comprehensive DEI
    leadership training program, developing a new decision-making
    process for staff and leadership, and redefining the organization’s
    vision and values.

    Sarah Lorge Butler worked at New York Road Runners—then known as the
    New York Road Runners Club—from 1995–97. Hearst, the corporate parent
    of Runner’s World, rents office space to New York Road Runners.
    Runner’s World has maintained a marketing and media relationship with
    NYRR and the NYC Marathon from 1976 through 2020.
    Sarah Lorge Butler Sarah Lorge Butler is a writer and editor living
    in Eugene, Oregon, and her stories about the sport, its trends, and
    fascinating individuals have appeared in Runner’s World since 2005.
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