Hello All!
DOS-DPMI, OS/2-libc066, Win32-msvc6dll, Win64-msvc10dll uploaded to:
display the pkt zone field without changes
when running pktinfo even if it is zero
change the algorithm of assining zone when zone=0.
If origZone (or destZone) in a packet header is equal to zero, then
first look for a link with net coinciding with the origNet (or destNet).
If such link is found, assign its zone to origZone (or destZone).
Otherwise, look among the configuration owner addresses for the net
coinciding with the origNet (or destNet). If such an address is found,
assign its zone to origZone (or destZone). Otherwise, assign the main
address zone to origZone (or destZone).
* Originally in RU.HUSKY
* Crossposted in FIDOSOFT.HUSKY
WBR, Max.
--- ߬πτáε »« FleetStreet'π :-(((
* Origin: Personal Reality (2:5057/77)